Friday 15 October 2010

Dexter, Season 5. Time to bring out the big guns (and knives)

Dexter Season 5: OMFG as young people say (as I'm reliably informed).

Look, I know there are a lot of Dexter fans out there, so I'm not going to put any spoilers for season 5 in this review - It's already shaping up to be the best yet, and it's only into its 3rd episode on Showtime.

The last time we all saw Dex over here, was the particularly grim ending to Season 4. (Spoiler Alert for that season)- Dex had sliced n'diced his nemesis, Trinity (John Lithgow), but came home to find wifey Rita dead. For those of you with a nervous disposition, don't bother clicking on this vid.

It's a strange show, Dexter, I mean, Michael C Hall plays a sociopathic serial killer who (mostly) fakes real emotions, takes extraordinary risks, murdered his own brother, and, by the end of season 4, prompted the nasty, bloody death of his own wife. And yet, dear viewer, we all root for him. All the time.

I don't think I've ever sat through a single episode and thought "Dexter, you're a sick and disturbed individual, and you need to be caught and brought to justice." - in fact, watching the show, I think I resemble my mum when she watches James Bond films. Each time Bond gets punched by a baddie in a fight, she involuntarily cries out "Oh James!".

Obviously, I don't do that when watching Dexter, because that would be very camp of me indeed.

However, while watching Dexter, I do have a habit of murmuring "oh shit..." when he gets himself in trouble, which becomes "Oh Shit!" when it gets worse, sometimes getting to "OH SHIT!", and eventually reaching "SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!SHIT!" for a particularly tense episode.

I'm articulate, me.

The GLW summed it up well. She says you get a knot in your stomach watching Dexter because it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Then the tension relaxes, until you watch the next episode, and the cycle begins again....

(God, that makes it sound like Dexter's kill-cycle. I think we need a Doctor in the Gurudad household. Or maybe a priest.)

The other reason I like Dexter, is that it's the show that keeps giving. It's that rare thing: it improves with every season, and rarely sags (c'mon, even the most diehard Lost or Battlestar fan must have thought at times "This is crap. I'm not watching this again").

And each season can be conveniently summed-up in a single sentence. You don't believe me? Allow me to demonstrate:

Season 1. Dexter meets his brother.
Season 2. Dexter and the bunny-boiler.
Season 3. Dexter finds a friend.
Season 4. Dexter meets his match.

So at the moment, Season 5 would be: Dexter fucks-up. Badly.

Damn. That was two sentences.

Season 4 is still being screened on FX in the UK, and Season 5 is airing on Showtime in the US right now

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